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We offer classic dinner wares, perfect for everyday wares, events, hotels, restaurants, wedding gift, mother’s day gift, and many more.

Why us?

Quality Dinnerwares

Our dinnerware design is classic and can be used every day. It can also be used for special events and can last a lifetime.

Even though bone china looks fragile, it is the strongest and most durable ceramic dinnerware. Most bone china can go in the dishwasher, microwave, and oven as long as it doesn’t have metal bands. Like porcelain, bone china can be used every day or saved for a more formal meal.

We offer almost everything, from dinnerware to tea wares, serving wares, and cutlery too.

We provide personalized logo, image, or monogram services for your needs. The best part is, it is food safe.

Follow us on Instagram @viennabonechina